Sexy Summer Book Club

Expand Your Mind & Spice Up Your Bedroom!

Yasss, Please! Sign Me Up.

Sexy and Fun

It's Summer and you're busy traveling and seeing friends or maybe managing the kids being out of school. But you're also feeling a little frisky now that it's warm out (and people are wearing fewer clothes)! 

Join the book club led by Certified Sex Therapist Heather Shannon that will keep your bedroom sizzling and your mind blown with all this new information!

And it's super easy to fit into your schedule. All our book selections are available on audiobook too, so you can listen while walking the dog, taking that road trip or even while sitting next to a total stranger on the plane. 

If you can't make it live, just submit your comments and questions ahead of time and we'll be sure to address them and send you the recording afterwards. 

PLUS, you can be as anonymous as you want to be on our Zoom calls by turning video off or changing your display name (be creative, LOL!).

Heather will also be moderating a Telegram chat group as part of the book club. Telegram is one of the few social platforms that is secure and doesn't censor--so we can actually speak freely!!!

Learn Together

When we're unlearning negative messaging around sex and relearning authenticity and positivity about sex, it's SOOOO helps to have an expert and a community. That's what this Sexy Summer Book Club is providing. So, join us!

Our Book Selections!

Tell Me What You Want

A research-based book by Justin Lehmiller about our true desires and fantasies. Hint: 96% of people have had a BDSM fantasy!

Class meets Tuesday July 11th at 1pm Eastern.

The Ethical Slut

This provocative title doesn't disappoint. It's a classic for a reason. Written by Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy, this book explores the whole range of non-monogamy from threesomes all the way to polyamory. 

Class meets Tuesday August 8th at 1pm Eastern.

Gender Outlaw

A personal account of gender identity, exploration and transitioning as well as the boxes society wants us to fit in. Wildly ahead of it's time, it was published in 1994. 

Class meets Tuesday September 5th at 1pm Eastern.


Heather Shannon, LCPC, CST

Heather Shannon is a Certified Sex Therapist and Host of the top-ranked “Ask A Sex Therapist” podcast. With over 12 years of experience, Heather helps queer, kinky and/or non-monogamous people to explore who they are as sexual beings and how they want to show up in their relationships. Heather has been featured in publications such as Self Magazine, Hustler Magazine and the Chicago Tribune as well as on podcasts including The Horny Housewife and Curious Girl Diaries. She is a sex and relationship expert for the Peanut app, which serves 2.5M women throughout all stages of life.

Sex Nerds Unite--Let's Get Reading!